Japanese solutions phone 09-579-2212

Privacy Policy

The following details the Company’s protection policy for private information obtained from individuals and customers.

By placing an order with the Company, you acknowledge and agree with our privacy policy. Customers must be aware that part of the Company’s services may not be available if there are restrictions placed around the availability of private information from an individual or customer.

1. Full Name of Applicant or Person

  • Japanese Solutions LTD
  • Owner/ managing director: Rodney John Hellyer

2. Name and position, as well as department and contact of the person managing the protection of individual/customer private information

  • Individual/customer private information protection manager: Makiko Hellyer
  • Mail Address: info[AT]japanesesolutions[DOT]co[DOT]nz
  • TEL:+64-9-579-2212(Main line)

3. Main intent of use of individual/customer private information obtained and held by this Company

Any information obtained by the Company will be strictly managed and only used in the ways detailed below, and will not be used for any other purpose whatsoever.

1) Private information relating to inquiries.

  • Services overview and offering
  • Offering of the Company’s services
  • Provision of maintenance and support of services
  • Provision of answers to questions asked at the inquiry stage
  • Applicable contacts, cooperation, negotiations and contact obligations regarding the above

2) Individual/customer private information relating to translation orders

  • Services overview and offering
  • Offering of the Company’s services
  • Provision of maintenance and support of services
  • Provision of answers to any inquiry
  • Applicable contacts, cooperation, negotiations and contact obligations regarding the above

4. Disclosure of obtained individual/customer private information by the Company to the third party

With the exception of the following cases, this Company will never disclose any private information obtained from individuals/customers without explicit prior-approval from the individual/customer.

  • Where an individual/customer has given permission
  • Where the is a legal requirement
  • Where information is supplied to a contractor that the Company has entered into a confidentiality agreement in order to meet the objective agreed by the individual/customers.
  • If there is an urgent requirement to protect human life or property

5. Safe management in order to protect private information

The Company has established its rules and regulations in order to protect all private information, and works to promote the education and awareness of these rules and regulations to all its employees. In addition, the Company also carries out regular surveillance of compliance to these rules and regulations.

Furthermore, the Company also works to maintain and improve its safety management measures in order to further protect private information of the individual/customer.

6. Procedures for disclosure, corrections, and /or termination of usage

Customers are advised to use any of the contacts provided below in the first instance in order for the Company to carry out any disclosure, corrections, or usage termination of private information regarding an individual/ customer, and the Company will henceforth carry out any disclosure, correction or deletion as directed.

For inquiries on individual/customer private information

  • Mail Address: info[AT]japanesesolutions[DOT]co[DOT]nz
  • TEL:+64-9-579-2212(Main line)

7. Operation of the Company’s Website

The Company’s website uses cookies in order to help convenience customers on their next visit to the website. This technology is designed to place a data record on the customer’s device in order to help with the loading of the site on the next visit. That said, with the exception of the customer physically inputting their own information by some means, the site is specifically designed not to recognize private information of the customer.

Should an individual or customer not wish to have cookies remain in their systems, individuals/customers are advised to change the settings in their browsers to not allow the downloading of cookies to their devices. In this case, part or all of the services may not be available through the website.